A user-friendly interface will help you to understand the structure of players' ranges and calculate equity. Equity is calculated both using the Monte Carlo method and by brute force complete enumaration at the user's choice.
There are built-in expression parsers to help you create and filter input ranges, as well as create custom statistics based on the default statistics. There is an ability to enable or disable hands that fall within certain statistics to fully analyze the narrowing of ranges by street and much more.
The program is distributed in two versions:
oRanges Omaha5 Calculator Pro and oRanges Omaha5 Calculator.
oRanges Omaha5 Calculator is part of the Pro version, namely, it contains only a Multiway Calculator.
Direct download link for Pro Windows version Latest release 03.03.2025
Direct download link for Regular Windows version
Direct download link for Pro MacOS version
Direct download link for Regular MacOS version
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— In-depth Range Exploration
— Range analysis
— Build your own range
— Shows how a range hits an unknown flop
— Built-in range expression parser to help you create and filter your ranges
— Helps to analyze Range vs Range spots on a specific board texture
— Import/Export ranges in text format
— Monker Solver format is recognized
— Useful tools, such as User Statistics, Flop texture filter, Next Card Equity, Pot odds calculator etc., which help a lot in hand analysis
— Built-in user statistics expression parser to create custom statistics based on the default statistics
— Equity calculation using the Monte Carlo method and by complete enumaration at the user's choice.
— Multiway Equity Calculator
— Next Card Equity tool in Multiway Equity Calculator
— Range Statistics in Multiway Equity Calculator
— Range File Tool for finding union, intersection and subtraction of ranges in Monker solver format
— Equity Trainer Tool for training a sense of equity of a hand versus another hand or a range on various boards.
— Compatible operating systems: Windows and MacOS
— Free 5-Day Fully Functional Trial. Try Before You Buy!
To enter a range, you can use the Range field, the range assistant that opens when you press the Range button, or the Hand button when you need to enter a single hand.
When you enter a range into the Range field, an expression parser is used that allows you to enter multiple hands according to the rules for composing expressions.
The expression syntax has a set of rules that must be used to efficiently enter ranges.
Import/Export ranges in text format.
Monker Solver formats are recognized:
(AdAsTc3s2s@50,AcAsTc3s2s@87,Td3h2h3s2s@100,...) and
(AhKh9h3s2s,1,942 KdKh9d3s2s,1,1068 )
— User friendly graphical interface.
— Builds complex expressions for the range.
— Slider to set the lower and upper limits of the percentile.
— Sets card ranks ranges, suit pattern.
— Predefined Pair, Suit, Rundown filters.
— Integrated parser for syntax validation.
— Shows In-Depth Statistics
— Shows overlap between different stats
— Applying weight to statistics
— Filters for activating selected statistics on each street postflop
Statistics section consists of four parts:
Made hands, Draw hands, Draws and made hands combination, User statistics.
— User statistics can be created based on the default statistics by composing expressions
— Union, Intersection, Substraction operators to compose an expression
— Integrated syntax parser checks the expression for correctness
— Generated user statistics can be saved for future use
— Up to 10 user statistics can be applied to flop, turn, river each
— Calculates equity in a heads-up spot using the Monte Carlo approximation method.
Flop texture filter is used to generate random flops with a specific structure.
With the help of this filter you can conduct a study how certain ranges fall into the boards with the selected texture.
— Designed for checking how the Equity will be changed on the next street
— Shows all possible cards on next street and how they change the Equity
— Works only on flop and turn
— Shows the equity values of each hand in the range against the opponent's entire range.
— Shows how often the equity values of hands in a range fall within intervals of 10% length.
— Works only postflop
— Ranges can be entered using the Range Assistant
— Import ranges in text format. Monker Solver format is recognized.
— Multiway Next Card Equity tool is designed for checking how the Equity will be changed on the next street
— Shows all possible cards on next street and how they change the Equity
— Works only on flop and turn
— Storing ranges temporarily
— 6 buttons to save ranges
Equity Trainer Tool is designed to train and develop a sense of equity of a hand versus another hand or a range on various boards.
Training can be carried out both against the whole range, and against hands selected from it at random.
Training can be done on the flop only, on the turn only, or on the flop and the turn at the same time. You can also fix the board which you want to train on.
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