Each of the products (Oranges Calculator, Oranges 6Plus Calculator, Oranges Omaha Calculator) is licensed on a machine basis. Each license is so called node locked license which is bound to a single computer with a unique hardware ID.
One standard license allows you to run the product on one machine. So you need to purchase a license for each machine on which the product will be run.
Apparently, we have encountered fraudulent actions by the payment processing operator MyCommerce and have not been able to receive money from them for a long time.
For this reason, we are forced to suspend sales through MyCommerce - Digital River.
In this regard, if you are interested in purchasing any product below, write a letter to support@holdemranges.com indicating:
product name,
your full name,
We will send you the details and you will be able to pay for the products in crypto USDT TRC20. License keys and files are sent after receiving the payment.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
After you've completed your purchase, you will receive a license key by email, which is valid for 7 days. You must validate and activate this key.
After activating this key, you will receive a new life-time license file within 7 days (usually on the day of license key activation ), without any limitations on the validity period. You have to validate and activate license file.
В связи с введенными санкциями, MyCommerce не осуществляет обработку платежей с карт, выпущенных банками РФ и Белоруссии.
Если Вас заинтересовала какая-то программа, то имеется возможность осуществить оплату в российских рублях.
Пишите на support@holdemranges.com с указанием какие именно продукты Вас интересуют.
Should you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us:
© 2017-2024, oRanges - Holdem Ranges Explorer.